Sunday, October 14, 2012

Back to the paleofuture

Back in the day - when Java were a wee acorn in the minds eye of Gossling - Microsoft used to ship an icon creator as a part of Visual Basic and Visual C++ (aye - these were the days of yore before even Visual Studio came about)...

The reason I mentioned that was I started to take some open source sprite/png images I found and re-purpose them for our game.

I found a top down image of a 'german' biplane - as a gif file.  Saved it as a png, opened it up in Paint.Net.  Added a solid line in front of the plane and saved it as image A, removed the solid line, kept a little bump in front of the plan and saved it as image B.  With the Corona MovieClip functionality got a 'prop' animation with very little work on my part. 

Next part - a bit more work on my part, and the flashback to the image icon builder.

Found a top down jpeg image of a Fokker tri-plane.  Did the same work - saved it as a png file - but I wanted a transparent background.

Well - found that with Paint.Net - if I stayed careful, I could use the delete tool on any white space I found and that caused it to be set to transparent.  After about a half hour or so got an image with a transparent background - saved one image again with a solid line in front of the engine, another with just a bit of a bump in the front one.

Ran the game - oops too big.

Re sized it down a bit - and now we have German bi planes as well as a bit larger German Fokker tri-plane menacing our hero.

Other things of note.  Tom Resource was flogged to provide level information.  He got the Entente (English major - can't just say the Good Guy side) levels done, posted to our Google Drive.  I'm going to add his comments:

Here is the ENTIRETY of the Entente campaign I wrote up, with attendant clarifications on the terms I used. Pretty crude and breaks multiple rules of sentence formation and basic English, I am well aware, but I know you software guys: you can write a program to move the sun over if I give you enough time, so keep it quick and simple if at all possible... 

I like his faith in software engineers!  Good kid.

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