Sunday, February 24, 2013

Liars Figure and Figures Lie...

Did I say that?  Oh my, get out the Phels Naptha soap and get ready for some soap chewin'...

Seriously (well - for me anyways), for this week we have the first of two presentations to make for the group.  I volunteered to get some stats for our work since Q1 of this course.

Well being a programmer - which is a definition of an individual who will do prodigious amounts of work for hours and hours so as to get out of a few minutes of repetitious labor - I found on the intertubes a nice (free! Who can not say free is not nice!!) tool that works with Subversion and does all my work - oh wait - snap - provides analysis, graphs and charts - of what we've accomplished in a fairly short period of time.

The tool is StatSVN- and you get it from here.

Now, I admit I love point and click.  Meaning this whole command line thing just - well - it's not my thing.  So read the darn readme file that is included in the project.  Then kinda think about it.

Meaning - it's a Java file.  Java is - simple?  crippled?  stoopid?  Idunno.  Anyway the absolutely brilliant statsvn.jar COULD NOT FIGURE OUT SPACES IN THE FRIG****G FILE SPEC - sorry, give me a minute - there my mind is back to the right way of thinking....

So.  I re-checked out our SVN branch file to a more kindly file at the root of C (no - this isn't a Sousa march dearies - we is programming now) and then re-followed the instructions.

Oh frabjous joy!  I got the report.  And I'm really impressed.  There is a huge amount of value in using this truly brilliant Java file.  It does a huge amount of work based on the svn.log file that you need to create.  It's well worth your time to figure out and use.  Truly.  You need to do this.  Why  are you waiting?  Do it NOW.  There - dont't you feel better? 

Oh, you didn't do it - well...

DO IT!! NOW!!!

Okay - so besides this I actually did some programming work this week:
  1. Fixed the pause bug for the autofire feature
  2. Using LuaGlider got rid of warnings/errors in the training/intro code
  3. Error/warnings in 'the choice'
  4. Added more functionality to the options menu:
The messaging object at the top of the screen tells you what you have picked in terms of autofire and which side you are helping.  And if you make a choice the text changes.  To get back to the main menu you need to click the Main Menu button - so if you have difficulties making choices you may be here a long long time indeed...

Next up - a guest blog entry from Resource Tom!!

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