I tasked my youngest son with this - give us a few game ideas that we could use to create a multi platform game. He responded with:
Working Title: 1938, Pastwatch
Possible genre: Platformer/3rd person
Story basics: Time travel storyline from a projected future into the past, namely mid to late 1938 in Europe. The PC is an agent of a governmental Time Security agency (the Pastwatch) sent to prevent a fellow agent (working name: Romanov) from changing the flow of events leading up to World War II. The story has the potential for multiple endings (possibly based on player’s chosen difficulty level), including ones where Romanov succeeds, succeeds but ultimately fails, the PC wins and the PC assists the antagonist in achieving his goals. The storyline depends on making the player believe Romanov intends to make the Czechoslovakian government stand up to Hitler’s ambitions for German expansion, igniting WW2 earlier and dramatically altering the perspective sides (perhaps even starting a series of smaller wars overall, with fewer overall casualties but a Nazi Germany that survives into the present day facing down a fracturing Soviet Union while the USA remains isolationist). The true story is different: he hopes to ignite the war earlier than actually occurred, of course, but intends for Germany to ally with Poland to invade the Soviet Union, allowing for the two powers to burn each other out and the building of a true European Union to result. The multiple endings can expound on the magnitude of his successes or failures, or even if his attempts to change (Intervention) rather observe (Witness) the past even work.
Possible Hooks: Leader boards for scoring purposes, time attack/trials mode, player decided difficulty levels, multiple endings
Working Title: Forerunner
Genre: Shooter
Story basics: As the titular Forerunner to a future alien invasion of the Earth, the PC must destroy as much infrastructure as possible to aid and abet the invasion while keeping overt resistance to a minimum. This means thinking strategically, striking at weaker nations across the planet and isolating more powerful nations before striking at them. A shooter in the purest sense, storyline would be limited to perhaps faux news reports of the PC’s actions and responses to them from across the world that the PC alien character would intercept. The true hook here, of course, is to actually be playing as the dastardly bad guy alien who, at the end of the day, is a punch clock villain whose sole goal is to suppress the elements of effective armed resistance and get his paycheck, while shooting the platitude shouting hero out of the sky.
Possible hooks: Same as above
Working Title: Flights of Fancy
Genre: Shooter
Story basics: A freak accident during testing of a prototype fighter equipped with laser and plasma weaponry sends it back to the spring of 1915, in the middle of the 1st World War. Upon encountering an air battle of biplanes and being fired upon by both sides, the PC’s first decision is to decide whom they will assist, the Central or Allied powers. That decision tips the balance of the war in their favor slightly, but the PC must also decide if they will intervene in other ways, such as going out of their way to kill specific individuals (a young corporal in the German Army named Adolf Hitler, for example) or use their historical knowledge to influence the course of history (help stave off the Russian Revolution, for another example).
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