This week was spent doing a little bit of everything from looking over docs and APIs for the Corona SDK to looking over team docs to writing code.
I suppose the main portion of my week was spent figuring out how to incorporate Facebook interaction with our app. Corona SDK supports doing this but I figured someone out there in game development land must have done this before and hopefully posted example code.
I was proven correct in that lots of people have done this very thing because as I understand it, this "Facebook" thing is pretty popular. The only hiccup in my plan proved to be what I had suspected deep down; nobody seems to do it the same way. So I'm going over what FB functionality the SDK will allow and what makes sense to do with our app. Once I have a solid list of FB functionality items gathered I'll send it out to the group so that we can decide together what want.
Ultimately (and if time allows) I would like to integrate Twitter into the app as well. The ability to "Tweet" your high score or what level you're on (or maybe just some random thought) without having to leave the game might be nice for the user.
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