I’ve added the following as my individual focus items for
the term:
Add other enemies – add a couple more enemy
classes to the game.
Player achievements – based on these player
Total score
Total score for specific enemy types
Some other kind of event
Player levels – based on score.
Power ups – two basic types:
Found in the environment
Abilities, skills that get ‘unlocked’ based on
player score and level.
Based on the above, I do have a built in hierarchy/dependency
Player score breaks down into:
Total Score
Total Score by specific enemy types
Player level which is based on Total Score
Power ups which also have a dependency on player
score and player level.
Okay, so now I can do some planning. Looks like for now the work is going to be
done in the back end:
Add more functionality to the playerScore,
playState modules that will take care of incrementing both total score and
total score by enemy types.
Make a decision as to keeping with the current
JSON tables, or start making more use of SQLite to hold onto this data.
Once the scoring is taken care of, achievements
will have to be addressed. Currently
achievements are based solely on total score – what gets delivered is some text
based on a set of ranges. If the players
score falls between certain ranges then what gets displayed is the text for
that range. That’s fine for now, but
the next steps will need to be saving player achievements – probably in the
SQLite database. This way calculations/algorithms
only get hit once per achievement.
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