My task this week was to display the players high score. A simple task yet it lead to several paths...
Okay, so first up was just to display a simple high score. I built a way to keep this tidbit of information, using the json library available in the corona sdk.
It's nice, what gets created is a essentially a name/value pair list. Nice and light, especially for this use. So our game has two of these data constructs - one keeps the current level and score values (it gets zeroed out at the start of the game), then there is another key value pair that holds onto the highest level and score achieved by the player, as well as a simple counter that holds onto the total score number for the player. Not sure if there is any value to that yet, but we'll see.
So next up was a task to display the high score value. Fairly easy to do, John created a topScore library file to which I added the functionality to read from the json table, then display the high score.
Well - that was so easy I figured I might as well add the highest level the user attained. Few more minutes of coding and done.
Okay - but my current gaming obsession is Fallout New Vegas. Second time around in fact. And that reminded me - there are achievements in the game based on hitting certain criteria.
So I built a quick if...elseif...else structure and then got some simple achievements displayed.
Nice, but not all that satisfying. Besides, it just looked like it was going to get clumsy trying to keep that up and running in case the rest of the team liked the idea.
This really needs to be a table based data construct - so I found that lua/corona sdk supports SQLite tables. Built a nice quick and dirty one using SQLite Admin - and changed the code from the ugly if...elseif...else structure to a sql call to the database. Took a bit more time to get the correct code but it's in place.
The payoff will be later on - this is a solution a number of other developers use to not just keep player state in but also stats of the various objects in a game.
Here is a screenshot of our topscore page from the game:
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